The Company is building relations with government and local autonomous agencies on the basis of cooperation, keeping account of mutual interests, strict adherence to Russian legislation and regulatory acts of the local autonomous bodies, as well as unconditional observation of social responsibility principles.
The Company is collaborating with federal legislative and executive power bodies, ensuring the representation and expression of their interests in 12 committees, commissions, expert and working groups, and public councils created jointly by government agencies and the business community.
In 2013, the Company’s specialists participated in discussions on the drafts of regulatory acts, in carrying out anti-corruption expert assessments and in evaluating regulatory impact.
Norilsk Nickel Director-General Vladimir Potanin was one of the leaders of the largest metallurgical companies to take part in a meeting with the RF Government Chairman devoted to discussing government support for the branch, including questions relating to protecting the interests of Russian companies abroad.
In 12 committees,
commissions, expert and working groups, and public councils created jointly by the government agencies and business community
The agreement between the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service and MMC Norilsk Nickel is an example of collaboration with federal executive branch bodies. This agreement presumes collaboration in information exchange when carrying out measures performed by the Company within the framework of action plans to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The parties to the agreement also pledged within the framework of their competency to collaborate in improving the management systems in the use of natural resources at the Company’s enterprises and in drawing up and implementing a set of organisational, engineering-technical, and other measures according to a coordinated plan-schedule for ensuring adherence to legislative requirements in environmental protection, and so on. Such information on implementing the agreement is given below, in the section titled “Dialogue with Stakeholders in the Environmental Sphere.”
The management of foreign enterprises also maintains relations with the government agencies of its countries.