The social mission of Norilsk Nickel is to produce the products society needs—non-ferrous and precious metals—in the most safe and efficient way on a stable long-term basis for assisting social progress, increasing social prosperity, ensuring the sustainable development of the territory and wellbeing of the population of the operations regions, and raising the standard of living of the Company’s employees. The Company performs its social mission by means of corporate social responsibility with respect to its personnel, the local communities, and society as a whole.
The corporate social responsibility strategy of MMC Norilsk Nickel sets forth the long-term vision of the main segments of the Company’s activity that are envisaged in the following fundamental corporate documents:
The Company’s development strategy envisages the development of first-class assets and concentration of investments on developing the full potential of the resource base of the Norilsk industrial district, combined with applying CSR approaches that ensure the performance of the Company’s obligations to its personnel, the local communities, and society as a whole.
The corporate risk management concept is aimed at achieving strategic goals and planned results, as well as raising the Company’s investment appeal and shareholder value.
The Human capital development Programme determines the main vectors and development of personnel management mechanisms in the medium and long term:
Work on actualising the personnel management strategy will be completed in 2014.
MMC Norilsk Nickel operates on Information Policy Provisions, in correspondence with which the Company provides stakeholders with information that is pertinent to the adoption of investment and managerial decisions. In so doing, Norilsk Nickel does not limit itself to providing mandatory information that corresponds to the requirements of Russian legislation, but voluntarily strives for maximum information transparency.
Press releases are issued regarding all significant events to Russian and foreign media, information about the Company is published regularly on its official website and on the corporate pages in social networks, and press conferences and briefings are held. In the year reported here, the national media published more than 30 interviews and speeches by Norilsk Nickel’s top managers. Over 39,000 articles about the Company appeared in the media. They covered production and financial news about the Company, interviews with top managers, and publications on development plans, social projects, the environment, and development of the operations area.