Annual report 2013

Overseas enterprises programs for local community development

TatiNickel Co has a coordinated programme of corporate social responsibility, which involves the entire country by focusing on nearby settlements. It promoted education in 2013, helping day care centres, primary and secondary schools, and young people who did not attend school. The Company also made a donation to the TatiNickel house in the SOS Children’s Village of Francistown, Botswana. Company doctors receive local patients once every two weeks in a clinic 13 kilometres from the TatiNickel ore mine on the Matsiloye grazing grounds.

A fourth charity procession was held in September. The Director-General organised it to raise funds in countrywide support of local communities. The $40,500 collected will help to build houses for three problem families.

Nkomati Co is part of a programme of ophthalmological assistance to children and seniors organised by the Healthcare Ministry and Lions Club under the WHO international programme VISION 2020. Nkomati has purchased spectacles for free distribution among the population.

Nkomati donated to the Vulingcondo Centre for orphans and disabled persons money for student grants, foodstuffs and headquarters maintenance in 2013.

Nkomati takes part in the battle against HIV/AIDS. Two specialised centers attend to HIV patients at home and offer treatment to Company staff. The Company supplies these centres with grants, uniforms, stationery and everything else they need. A Company health expert supervises the centres. The Company also supported several infrastructure projects in two municipal entities at $1.8 million.