Annual report 2013

Execution of objectives in the field of sustainable development for 2013 and objectives for 2014

The information is presented for Russian enterprises of the Group.
Objective Execution status in 2013 In the context of 2014 Comments on the execution in 2013 / in the context of 2014
Production and technical development strategy of the Company
Development, coordination and approval of the renewed Company development strategy. In 2014:
Company development strategy and the development of functional strategies renewed. Status of realisation in terms of key capital investment projects of the Company updated. Status of realisation in terms of initiatives to improve corporate performance presented
Development of the system of institutional interaction with interested parties
Formation of the normative legal environment in accordance with the priority objectives of the Company. Monitoring of draft bills, introduced by various parties with the right to legislative initiatives, in order to minimise regulatory risks. An expert report of 180 draft bills, under discussion in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and 219 draft bills, under consideration in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, carried out. Proposals of the Company taken into account across 9 draft bills at the federal level. The analysis of changes in individual legislative acts on the part of government support of investment activity on the territory of the Murmansk Region carried out.
Создание условий для обеспечения интересов Компании в процессе разработки программных, проектных и правовых документов, определяющих государственную политику в Арктике. Creating conditions for ensuring the Company's interests in the process of software development, design and legal documents, defining government policy in the Arctic.
Signing of new/extended ROCS NN effective collective agreement, the effective term of which expired in 2013. Provision of regular undertakings concerning consultations and negotiations between parties of social partnership, improving the work efficiency of commissions in terms of collective agreements. New collective agreements in OJSC Yenisei River Shipping Company and LLC InformKolaServis concluded. Terms of collective agreements extended across 7 ROCS NN. Decisions concerning amendments and additions to the collective agreements adopted in terms of commissions under the collective agreement.
Participation in the activities set by agreements on the interaction of the Company and government environmental agencies.
Environmental protection
Actualisation of production activity with the aim of avoiding exceeding the quantitative indicators of negative impacts on the environment established for the current year. In 2013, atmospheric emissions across all the Russian Group enterprises remained at the 2012 level, with evidence that emissions were decreasing overall.
Realisation of environmental protection measures, as well as organisational and technical measures aimed at reducing the Company’s negative impact on the environment. In 2013, there was an 11,000-tonne (8%) reduction in the mass of pollutants discharged into water bodies, with the total volume of untreated contaminated wastewater decreasing by 8 million m3 (23.4%).
Maintenance of a functioning EMS in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 requirements and CIMS documents of the Company. Actualised EMS documentation, taking into account the implementation of practical testing draft documents and structural changes at the HO of the Company. Auditing supervisory confirmed, conducted by the Bureau Veritas Certification in October 2013.
Product liability
CIMS internal audits conducted on the basis of outsourcing. Actualised CIMS documents, regulating the processes and types of activities in the field of quality and environmental management, taking into account organisational changes at the Company.
Occupational health and safety of personnel
Conducting corporate seminars and meetings on concerning the changes implemented in the legislative and other normative acts in the field of industrial safety and labour protection.
Developing a new draft edition of a safety management system, taking into account the experience accumulated in terms of hazardous production facilities.
Conducting independent auditing (diagnosis) of the safety culture in the production divisions of the Company for determining the strategy and action plan under the development of the safety culture and improving the management system of behavioural risk.
Performing analysis of the circumstances and causes of occupational accidents that have occurred within the enterprises of the Group, based on the results of which, prepare and review proposals directed at reducing the amount of occupational injuries and strengthening the production control compliance with the requirements of HSEP.
Dealing with the objectives set out in the roadmap within the field of occupational health and safety. Developing leadership and commitment of management.
Introducing corporate standards:
  • Behavioural safety audits;
  • Isolation of energy sources;
  • Risk assessment;
  • Interaction of transport and pedestrians;
  • Execution of work with increased risk;
  • Accident investigation.
Introducing a Second Party Audit system. Realisation of a communications plan for HSEP.
Personnel maxagement strategy within the Norilsk Nickel Group
Actualising the personnel management strategy within the Norilsk Nickel Group in accordance with strategy adjustments of the production and technical development of the Company. In 2014: concluding the development of the human capital development programme and realising the planned activities.
Recruitment and development of personnel
Development of the job and career free telephone hotline portal, concerning questions on employment, as well as the implementation of advertising and informational activities popularise the service. In 2014: redesigning the website and modernising content.
Ensuring the preservation of the attained level of professional training, retraining and professional development of Company employees. In 2013, Norilsk Nickel participated and made gains in the “Leadership Index. The best companies for work and career – 2013” ratings. In 2013, training was provided for approximately 48,000 Norilsk Nickel Group employees. The total volume of ROCS NN personnel training, according to the results of the reporting period, amounted to 5,250,577 persons/hour.
Construction of a system to adapt personnel at the HO.
Construction of a system to adapt personnel at the HO. Improving programme effectiveness to attract young people. Development of HR-employer branding. An agreement with the WebSoft company signed, a Webtutor project on the introduction of a system of comprehensive automation implemented, allowing for the organisation of planning, implementation and analysis of user training results via e-learning courses.
Conducting a pilot project aimed at the development of managerial skills and competence among senior managers of the Company.
Personnel motivation
Raising the level of employee income by 7.1% – the projected growth of the consumer price index to 2012 levels. The growth of wages of the Company’s employees in 2013, relative to 2012, amounted to 9.9%.
Raising the labour productivity in terms of the Group enterprises to an average of 4% to be reached at such a level in 2012.
Developing an evaluation system of activities for various categories of personnel of the Company (KPI for managers of different levels, employees) based on key performance indicators, as well as other motivational mechanisms. A pilot project in the Head Office implemented to assess the effectiveness of workers based on the performance for the second half of 2013. KPI cards designed for managers, assessment of the execution results concerning key performance indicators carried out. Communication activities on the introduction of the performance management system within the sites of the PB and KMMC performed.
Realising the plan for the introduction of the performance management system concerning employees of the Norilsk Nickel Group.
Social programmes
Continuing with the realisation and development of social programmes concerning work with personnel, including in order to fulfil obligations under the collective bargaining agreements.
Realising existing programmes for the rehabilitation of workers in the Company (spa treatment in the Zapolarye health resort, rehabilitation in other outsourced health resorts across the Russian Federation, holiday time under the framework of foreign corporate health holidays).
Reconstruction of the Zapolarye health resort and measures to increase the quality and level of service. Improving the quality of workers holiday time away in outsourced health resorts across the Russian Federation, expanding the geography and the improvement of children's summer recreation programmes.
Expanding the geography of the Taimyr and Nord-Avia corporate airline flights using various subsiding mechanisms to compensate air travel for employees and their families to a holiday destination and back. Growth of passenger traffic achieved by expanding the geography of flights. Ticket prices from Norilsk and to Norilsk at the 2011 level. Transportation of workers in the route: Norilsk-Moscow-Norilsk carried out under discounted corporate rates.
Development of the corporate pension system
Continuing with the realisation of corporate programmes concerning private pension provision and their motivational and stimulating components, consistent with the Company’s social policy.
Investment development (in terms of socially oriented issues)
Continuing with the investment of initiated and new projects concerning socially oriented issues, including:
  • realisation of "Our House"/"My House" social programmes;
  • conclusion of the redevelopment work of the office centre for head office employees (Moscow);
  • construction of the Arena-Norilsk sports and entertainment complex (Norilsk);
In 2013: phase I of construction completed, costs totalled to 886.9 million roubles. In 2014: continuation of the second phase of construction.
  • reconstruction of the Zapolarye health resort (Sochi);
  • realisation of programmes to improve the social and living conditions of the Company's employees;
  • reconstruction of the building under the official dwelling facility (Zapolarny), etc.;
In 2013: more than 40 million roubles;
  • 2013 objective (published in the Report on corporate social responsibility for 2012) modified in accordance with the Company’s development strategy update. ensuring that NIR residents can acquire socially important products essentials at affordable prices.
LLC NTPO retail development strategy (under the Sunflower trading network) developed and approved, including with respect to determining a list of socially important product essentials.
Fostering of socio-economic development of the Company’s areas of operation
Ensuring the fulfilment of obligations under a programme to relocate citizens living in the city of Norilsk and Dudinka to areas with favourable natural conditions (830 million roubles). In 2013: programme financing on the part of the Company amounted to 830 million roubles, formalised 1290 licences for the purchase of housing. In 2014: programme financing – 830 million roubles (planned).
Fulfilling the obligations of the Company in accordance with public private partnership agreements
Completing the construction of two preschools in Norilsk. 2 new kindergartens with 300 places each opened, at a cost of 1247.6 million roubles, including, in 2013, 512.6 million roubles.
Construction of a sports and recreation complex in Dudinka. The Company's obligations toward co-financing the construction of the SRC implemented in full (135 million roubles).
Considering the construction of a sports and recreation complex in Norilsk.
Conducting repair work to collector sectors in Norilsk in the volume defined by the municipal programme. Thorough repair work to engineering communications carried out, at a cost of 63.3 million roubles.
Realising social projects aimed at the development of local communities, support of initiatives; forming a favourable social climate in the regions of operation, using competitive mechanisms.
Development of a system of non-financial reporting and dialogue with stakeholders in the field of CSR
Preparing the report on the corporate social responsibility of the Norilsk Nickel Group in 2013.
Conducting round table discussions concerning CSR in the areas of operation and road shows in the field of sustainable development in preparation of the CSR report for 2013. Three discussions were hosted: in November 2013 in Krasnoyarsk, and in February 2014 in Monchegorsk and Norilsk.